Hoy os queremos hablar y animar a participar en la iniciativa Mesas Verdes , que quiere ayudar a proteger y preservar la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda en México. De la mano de Tiendeo y la ONG Accionatura, esta iniciativa busca preservar uno de los parajes más ricos en biodiversidad del planeta y nosotros nos hemos unido ya a ella.
Participar es muy sencillo, sólo hace falta que construyas tu mesa verde y con ello Tiendeo y Accionatura apadrina 1m2 de Sierra Gorda por ti. ¿Y cómo se hace tu Mesa Verde? Pues con un post similar a este o colocando la insignia que encontrarás AQUÍ en tu blog o página web. ¿Te animas a participar y a preservar nuestra tierra?
Today we are going to talk you about something very special the project Mesas Verdes, tries to protect the trees of the Gorda mountain range from Mexico. From Tiendeo and the ONG Accionatura, they preserve the most rich enviroments of the planet and we have join its cause.
To take part is very easy, you only need to build your own green table and Tiendeo and Accionatura sponsors 1m2 of Gorda range for you. And how do you build a Green Table? With a similar post to this one or uploading inyour webpage a banner you can find here, do you want to participate?
Today we are going to talk you about something very special the project Mesas Verdes, tries to protect the trees of the Gorda mountain range from Mexico. From Tiendeo and the ONG Accionatura, they preserve the most rich enviroments of the planet and we have join its cause.
To take part is very easy, you only need to build your own green table and Tiendeo and Accionatura sponsors 1m2 of Gorda range for you. And how do you build a Green Table? With a similar post to this one or uploading inyour webpage a banner you can find here, do you want to participate?
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