Si te imaginas en tu mente la típica hamburguesería o el típico restaurante retro made in USA seguramente lo que te venga a la cabeza es Bernie's Dinner Grill & Burger, un local con sillones tapizados de piel en rojo y blanco, mesas metálicas, carteles de los 50 por todas las paredes y música rock o country, típicamente sureña, sonando por sus altavoces. Para verlo y disfrutar de este espacio no tienes que realizar la Ruta 66, sino que sólo debes desplazarte hasta el centro de Barcelona, en el punto donde Via Laietana se cruza con Princesa.
If you are imagining the typical burguer or the typical made in USA restaurant probably you will imagine Bernie's Dinner Grill & Burger, an establishment with upholstered leather armchairs in white and red, metallic tables and 50's posters on the walls and rock and country music, southern style on the speakers. To take al look and enjoy this place you don't have to take a trip throught the 66 Route, but go to Barcelona's downtown, where Via Laietana cross Princesa.
If you are imagining the typical burguer or the typical made in USA restaurant probably you will imagine Bernie's Dinner Grill & Burger, an establishment with upholstered leather armchairs in white and red, metallic tables and 50's posters on the walls and rock and country music, southern style on the speakers. To take al look and enjoy this place you don't have to take a trip throught the 66 Route, but go to Barcelona's downtown, where Via Laietana cross Princesa.
La verdad es que, viviendo al lado, me costó entrar en Bernie's por considerarlo demasiado turístico (sí, esas cosas que pasan con los locales del centro de Barcelona), pero una vez dentro rompió con todos mis prejuicios y su oferta, servicio y precio me han hecho repetir ya unas cuentas veces. Este grill bar tiene todo lo bueno de un diner americano: ambiente joven y distendido, comida rápida y asequible (sin renunciar a que sea sana y de calidad) y un amplio horario, para saciar en cualquier momento nuestro apetito.
To say the truth, although living next to it, it took me a long time to decide to visit Bernie's because I though it was quite tourist (it is one of those things it happens in the establishments in the center of Barcelona). But, once I came in I knew I was wrong is prices, its menu and its service has convinced me to enter several times. This grill bar has all that needs an American diner: a young enviroment, fast food and good price (although its healthy and with great quality) and a lovely time, to satiate any mouth.
To say the truth, although living next to it, it took me a long time to decide to visit Bernie's because I though it was quite tourist (it is one of those things it happens in the establishments in the center of Barcelona). But, once I came in I knew I was wrong is prices, its menu and its service has convinced me to enter several times. This grill bar has all that needs an American diner: a young enviroment, fast food and good price (although its healthy and with great quality) and a lovely time, to satiate any mouth.
En su carta, destacan las hamburguesas, los sandwiches, los hotdogs y las costillas y filetes a la barbacoa, todo hecho al momento en su parrilla. Para acompañar este festín de carne, qué mejor que unos snacks (nachos, palitos de mozzarella, alitas de pollo...) o unas patatas fritas caseras, crujientes y de raciones abundantes. Me hacen especial gracias las bandejas de rejilla en las que te sirven los platos, iguales a las que Zack Morris o Screech tenían en su cafetería de Salvados por la campana.
The menu is based on burguers, sandwichs, hotdogs, ribs and steaks, all made on the grill. The offered accompaniment are snacks (nachos, fried mozarella, chicken wings...) or home-made french fries. I love the grid trays where the dishes are served, the same as Zack Morris or Screech eat at in Saved by the bell.

A destacar que toda la carne de Bernie's Grill tiene DO de Girona y cuenta con la certificación "Eusko Label", que garantiza su origen y alimentación basada en forrajes naturales. Y que su pan es elaborado a diario por su panadero de confianza. Tampoco querría finalizar esta recomendación sin hablaros de sus postres de la abuela, en donde destaca el típico cheesecake norteamericano; y de sus batidos, elaborados al momento con frutas naturales o chocolate, con nata y cereza confitada en la cima.
¿Nos vamos a USA?
It worths to be told that all the meat from Bernie's Grill is from Girona and is labelled with "Eusko Label" certified. Its bread is made dailly by a reliable baker. Also, I must write you about the grandmother's desserts, it offers an excellent American cheescake and natural fruit or chocolate cream and confit cherry shakes. Do we go to USA?
Photos David G. & Alba
fui el año pasado con una amiga, nos gustó mucho el sitio, y la comida por supuesto!