Hace ya dos años que el hotel Alma
Barcelona abrió sus puertas en la calle Mallorca, junto a Passeig de
Gràcia. Desde entonces sin embargo, su privilegiada terraza situada en la séptima planta había
estado cerrada.... Hasta este verano, cuando se ha abierto al público
para ofrecernos unas vistas espectaculares de 360 grados que nos
permiten disfrutar de toda Barcelona a nuestros pies.
Two years ago, the hotel Alma Barcelona was opened at Mallorca street next to Passeig de Gràcia. However, since the opening their terrace at the seventh floor was keeped closed. Until this summer, it has been opened for everybody to offer us a espectacular 360º views that allow us enjoy Barcelona at our feets.
The Pedrera, Tibidabo, Montjuic, Sagrada Familia, Ciutat Vella and the sea... The fact that it is build all along the highest floor allows us to have views of all the cities. And also, has a really relaxed enviroment. Tables, chairs and wide and separated sofas creates intimate and unique atmosphere during the twilight. The terrace has been designed by Nori Fulan and Paco Llonch and, as the hotel, has a smart style. Renewed classicism made by natural woods.
Vive sin prisas y saborea cada instante en Alma. Para obligada este caluroso verano.
Life without hurries and taste every instant of Alma. You must visit it this summer.
Photos by David G. & Alba
Más información: AlmaBarcelona
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