Junto con los tonos pastel y el flúor,
este verano ha seguido siendo, sin duda alguna, el verano de los
tonos metal. Si en invierno ya lo inundaron todo, estos meses también
han hecho brillar con luz propia las noches más calurosas y hoy os
muestro una de mis apuestas para el sábado noche.
Photos by David G.
Falda/Skirt Mango - SS 12
Blusa/Blouse H&M - SS 12
Collar/Necklace H&M - SS 12
Clutch Mango - Old
Sandalias/Sandals Mango - SS 11
Along with the pastels and fluorine, this summer has also its protagonism metal tones. If they appeared in winter and these months have also shine through hottest night and today I show you one of my bets for Saturday night. It is this skirt silver handle, which accompany black and white, allowing you to give a more futuristic touch to these two classics. The collar is also black, and transparent. You like?
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